Student Helpline:

(Between 09:00am – 07:00pm, Monday-Saturday)

Frequently Asked Questions


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About ApnaMBA
What Is – India’s Most Trusted Educational E-Portal. ApnaMBA was incepted ten years back. It is an initiative to bring transparency in our admission system, where students can shortlist and select their dream MBA colleges in one go. It’s an online platform, where an MBA aspirant gets the facility to apply to multiple colleges through a single Common Application Form (CAF) at reduced cost. This will make the interview seamless and admission process easier and hassle-free.

How does ApnaMBA work?

An Online Platform for bringing MBA Aspirants and Top MBA Colleges closer ----- Digitally.

In ApnaMBA, the management experts will evaluate your profile, your academic, entrance score and assist you in short listing the right fit MBA College for you.

You may follow the following steps:

  • Fill Common Application Form (CAF)

Fill one Common Application Form and Apply to multiple colleges in one go with reduced cost.

Click Here to Fill CAF-


  • Personalized B-School Counselling

Book an appointment with Sr. MBA Counsellor / MBA Experts for a personalized MBA Colleges Counselling.

Book An Appointment -


  • Select College & Make Payment

Select from the list of MBA colleges & make the application form payment.

Select Colleges -


  • Get GD/PI Updates

Register Your Mobile No / WhatsApp No with ApnaMBA, and start receiving the MBA Colleges GD&PI dates & Venue, entrance examination dates and other Admission Related Information.

Register Here -


About Common Application Form
Is the ApnaMBA Common Application Form authorized by B Schools?

Yes, the Common Application Form of ApnaMBA is authorized and accepted by respective B- Schools across India. ApnaMBA will counsel the MBA Aspirants, process their application forms for the GD&PI processes.

What benefits do I get regarding the cost of application forms of the chosen colleges?

Time is really precious. ApnaMBA will take care of your Application and interview processes (Skype/Telephonic) on time. Team ApnaMBA will help you to shortlist the right fit MBA College and give you the hand holding assistance for your successful MBA colleges’ admission. You can avail the waiver on application form costs. This was you can save time and money.

What happens after I submit the Application Form at ApnaMBA?

After CAF submission, we will process your application to the respective MBA Colleges and schedule your Interview processes (GD&PI / SKYPE / TELEPHONIC). Some colleges may ask you to visit the campus for further formalities.

What are the advantages of applying through ApnaMBA?

As A responsible professional organization, we focus the student’s keen interest areas, we try to analyse student profile thoroughly and then we proceed with the personalized MBA Colleges counselling. This way student can land up to the right fit college for the higher study and can have a healthy ROI at the end of the day.

Check Out ApnaMBA Exclusive Services of ApnaMBA -

Do I need to register in to apply for B-Schools?

Yes, you need to register at to apply or to download any materials or other resources. You can directly contact our Admission Helpdesk for the further process of Admission.

Call / WhatsApp - ApnaMBA Helpline- 9853033118

I have forgotten my password, What should I do?

Absolutely no problem, you can simply reset your password by clicking on the “forgot password” link on the login/registration page. You will be asked for your registered Email Id. If your Email id is valid, then we will send you the link to reset your password on the same E-mail id. Give a New Password of your choice and have a successful login.

Do I need to register or login to fill the form?

Yes, you need to first register on our site to fill the Common Application Form.

Can I edit the details filled in CAF & download it?

Yes, you can edit your details as you will be allotted your individual Dashboard and there is a facility of downloading and printing your Application Form as well.

What are the requirements for filling the application form?

You need to have information on basic details, your qualifications & marks and your exam details. Also, make sure you have a soft copy of your passport size photograph to upload as well. (You can upload the photo after submitting the application as well). You can upload your certificates as well as required documents or simply WhatsApp your scanned documents to 9853033118.

Do I need to fill the application form every time I apply to a college?

No, once you have filled our Common Application Form (CAF) there is no need to fill the individual forms of respective B-Schools. When you submit your first application, we save your details. If you want to apply to more colleges, your details will be preloaded in the application form. You can modify details if needed and complete your second application in two minutes, our admission team will take care of all your application processes.

About Payment
How will I make the payment?

You can pay using any one of the payment options mentioned below:


a.    Google Pay  

b.    Phone Pe

c.    PayTM

d.    UPI Transfer

e.    Online Net Banking


Transfer Your Application Cost – Google Pay / Phone Pe / PayTM – 9861083301

Money has been deducted from my card/bank account, but my application has not been submitted. Why?

This may happen due to a technical failure at the Bank or Payment Gateway's end. Do not worry as payment on is safe and secure. Your money will be automatically refunded within 7 to 10 working days in such situations. If you face any issues with the refund, then just drop an email to mentioning your details (e-mail Id, mobile number) or give a call to the contact numbers mentioned on our site.

My payment failed. What should I do now?

In case your payment didn't process, you may have to pay the application fee again to submit the form. Rest assured, you don’t have to fill the form again. Your form details are saved and will be pre-filled once you login.

Can I cancel my applications after making the payment? Will I get a refund of money?

No. Once your application has been sent to the applied colleges, you will not be able to cancel the application form. Also, the money paid will not be refunded.


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